Corporate Governance
A company's contribution to Sustainability is largely determined by the values it lives by in its Corporate Governance. Consistent ethical action, starting at the top of the company, encourages all stakeholders and partners to strive for sustainability goals. The pursuit of excellence, which underlies all corporate success, is also directed towards achieving our Environmental Social Governance goals. Our value framework goes beyond legal regulations, it is based on the principles of personal integrity, family togetherness, willingness to learn and entrepreneurial spirit. As a corporate citizen, we are committed to all ethical business values around the world and consistently align our actions accordingly.
Code of Conduct
Röhlig's corporate culture has developed on the basis of values and principles since the company was founded in 1852. Every employee embodies this culture and contributes to its continuation in the future by acting responsibly and ethically. Our Code of Conduct is both an expression of appreciation and an incentive to see and accept one's individual responsibility in the workplace. Personal integrity is the basis for this. It promotes trusting business partnerships and a positive working atmosphere. It starts with external appearance and professional manners and continues with respectful interaction without discrimination, belittling or even harassment. Similarly, we expect the highest integrity from our employees with regard to bribery, confidentiality and conflicts of interest. This standard also and especially applies to the members of the Röhlig Global Executive Board, who set a good example.
The Compliance Management System at Röhlig comprises in rules, standards and processes which are intended to ensure compliance with legal regulations and guidelines within the Group.
The focus here is on a value and risk-oriented approach; Our Compliance Management System serves to ensure that we behave correctly and that our mandate to act is socially legitimate.
Compliance is anchored at all levels throughout the Group and the adherence with the Röhlig Code of Conduct and its policies and practices is fundamental to Röhlig’s delivery of sustainable value and promoting a long-term success of the organization.
> Anti Corruption Policy
> Supplier Code of Conduct
> Modern Slavery Statement 2024
Trade Compliance
The Customer warrants Röhlig Logistics and its subsidiaries, its agents and successors, in general and for the term of the Agreement that both the transportation of the cargo and the cargo itself do not and will not violate any applicable law of the European Union, the United Nations, the USA or of individual Countries which have adopted in the fight against terrorism or which impose trade restrictions, such as embargoes and/or sanctions. In the event that such transport violates any applicable law or regulation, the Customer will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Röhlig Logistics and its subsidiaries, its agents and successors from any and all liability, costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees resulting from such violation, Röhlig Logistics and its subsidiaries assume no obligation to undertake or assist us in any remediation of any such violation.
In case a service is not permitted due to restrictions and/or embargos or a transaction in the respective country, Röhlig Logistics shall be released from its obligation to provide such service without any liability.
Code of Ethics
Our ethical principles are not only the basis for individual employee behaviour, but also guide our business conduct as a whole. All Röhlig business activities are righteous, fair and ethical. Applicable law is followed without compromise. As far as possible, we promote humane working conditions, health and education, and fair trade relations between Röhlig and its representatives, customers and suppliers. Röhlig will not tolerate any deviations in the form of unethical behaviour or illegal activities. This includes in particular child labour, corruption, discrimination and the endangering of occupational safety. We actively encourage our employees to report any violations of our Code of Ethics. For this purpose, we have set up our own whistleblowing hotline. Reports in good conscience do not have to fear any consequences, but willful misinformation with damaging intent very much does.
Our Global Quality System aligns with our company strategy and objectives ensuring we have quality in all aspects of our dealings with clients.
The Röhlig Group established a Quality Policy and holds ISO Certificates.
Learn more about our Quality Management based on ISO 9001:2015 here.
Our values: Truly Reliable, Forward Thinking, Eager for More
Our way of working is characterised by these three corporate values. Even and especially as a company with a long tradition, we always look to the future and question our daily actions to see how they can be improved. Out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged, as this is the basis for all innovations. Entrepreneurship means fully identifying with one's work and its results and always being ready to ensure the customer's full satisfaction. The basis for this is a working environment at Röhlig that tolerates mistakes and sees them as an unavoidable intermediate step in the pursuit of excellence. We value our employees' share in the company's success and reflect this back with corresponding appreciation.